Electronic Press Kits
If you’re looking for a way to show industry professionals what makes you unique, you may benefit from creating an Electronic Press Kit (EPK). As show business evolves, so do marketing techniques. An EPK is the latest and greatest and every actor seeking work should have one to help tell their story.
Below, we’ve answered some of the questions we are most often asked. Read on to learn the who, what, where, when, and how!
What is an EPK?
It is a single or multi-page digital document that tells your story. It serves as a comprehensive view of your experience and will showcase what sets you apart from the rest. They used to be printable, but now are all electronic with live clickable links.
Who is the EPK for?
Anyone who needs to hear your story. Your grandmother would love to see it … as would agents, managers, casting directors, publicists, and the press. It’s the ultimate pitch tool.
What do I include in my media press kit?
The sky is the limit but the best EPKs scream your brand! They are easy to read and include photos, short bios, highlights of projects, links to social media, and ways to contact you. Larger format EPKs can outline dream projects, roles you see yourself playing, testimonials, connections, and social demographic analytics.
When is it time to get one?
If you are an actor with a desire to book work … the time is now!
How does an EPK differ from a website?
Your website fully showcases all your media. Your EPK will also do this but in a more streamlined manner. This allows industry pros to quickly become acquainted with your goals and personal branding with a clear read into the roles and projects you are seeking for your career. Pro Tip: You can use a website and an EPK in concert with each other for those who want more info.
Where do I go to get one?
It’s your lucky day! Stage Door Designs can organize and design a single or multi-page EPK … or both! We can link it to your website if you like or create a clickable downloadable PDF to share. Contact us today to find out how your media press kit can help shine a light on you!
To learn more about how to get started on your EPK now, shoot us at email at ellen@stagedoordesigns.com!
P.S. If you've read this far, you qualify for a special exclusive discount to get started on your EPK today! Tell us you read this blog post, or use the coupon code "EPKTODAY" to redeem this offer!