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When was the last time you updated your site? Did you know that it helps SEO?
We always like to remind our clients about best practices for updates and site content! Consider when you last updated your site. SEO is optimized when a site is updated regularly, and links are functional! Remember to check your site for broken links regularly. In addition, check out our top ten things to consider related to SEO.
Does your site have a title?
All SDD sites get a title, if you don’t like yours, let us know.
What is your site description?
Have you updated it lately, take a look on google and see if you want to change it up.
What does your site look like in the search results list?
If you are not cool with it, let’s talk!
Do you have a favicon?
This is the little image that appears in the browser tab.
Sites default to an SDD logo but, you can have your own custom favicon. Contact us today!
What are your social sharing images?
These are the images that pop up when you share your site on social. Want to update them, just holler!
Have you customized your 404 page?
All sites have a default 404 page - customization is possible, let’s talk.
Do you have personalized URL slugs for each page?
These can also be customized for viewer optimization
Are your social media accounts connected to your site?
And are your social media accounts linked back to your site? Backlinks are key. Make sure yours are in place.
Is your site verified with Google or Bing?
Does your site have a location feature?
Most important if you are a business with an actual location.
Do yourself and your site a favor and answer the 10 key SEO questions above! If you’re having trouble answering any of these questions, and want to make sure you’re optimizing your SEO, reach out to us today!