Ready… Set… Bio!
#1. A Long Bio, or "Website Bio"
This is exactly what it sounds like. Your website bio is the bio that you should put on the About page of your website. The great thing about this bio is that there are no real length constraints on a webpage, so you can be as detailed as you want. This is where you should include not only your acting credits, but information about your training and education. You can also use this bio to help the reader get to know you a little better by addressing your life outside of your performance career.
#2. A Short Bio, or "elevator pitch"
This is for when you need to keep it short and sweet. These bios are shorter than your website bio, but longer than what would go in a program or playbill. Short bios are great to put on EPKs and even work well on a one page website (with a link to a hidden longer bio). Use this 'pitch' to give folks a view into you in a short period of time. Imagine running into your dream Casting Director in an elevator ... they ask you to tell them about you ... you have 3 floors, GO! Are you ready with that pitch and is it somewhat memorized? It should be.
#3. A Playbill Bio, or program bio.
This, again, is exactly what it sounds like. If you've ever been to a Broadway show, you have no doubt perused through the playbill bios of the performers! While every production does things slightly differently, these bios are typically restricted to a small number of words and subject to a specific format. Having a playbill bio ready to go is important, because you never know when you'll be asked to do that last minute show or cabaret!
If you need any help getting together your professional bios, reach out to if you have any other questions!