YouTube Channels: Why You Need One!
Unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably heard of YouTube. YouTube is an invaluable tool because it allows actors and performers to upload and maintain their performance media online for free. It also is a great way to organize your media for use on your professional website.
However, we have noticed that a lot of our clients don't get the full value out of their YouTube accounts. In some cases, they don't have YouTube channels at all! In this post, we're going to detail all the benefits of having a personal YouTube channel and why every performer should have one.
The biggest reason for having a YouTube channel is that it grants you complete control over your video media. Many of our clients use performance video on their websites, but in many cases the videos are hosted by third party entities. When your media is controlled by a third party, you cannot be sure that it will remain available. If the third party decides to delete your video for some reason, it will not be recoverable. Keeping your media on your personal YouTube account ensures that you have total control over it, and that it won't disappear one day.
Another reason for having your own channel is SEO. If you've been following our blog posts, you've probably realized that we talk about SEO a lot. That is because it is one of the most important aspects of your online presence! Having a YouTube channel that houses all your official media helps your "searchability" on platforms like Google. Having your YouTube channel linked on your other online profiles also helps (Think your website, Actors Access, Casting Networks, etc).
Pro Tip: YouTube is owned by Google, so having a channel that you keep updated can increase your chances of getting a Google Knowledge Panel. If you already have a panel, associating it with your official channel will give you even more of an SEO boost!
We've been in the process of reaching out to our clients to make sure they have access to all of their video media. If you have questions about your videos, or about how to set up your own YouTube channel, reach out to us today at!